As we approach our 21st year of FredCamp, we are excited as always and can’t wait to see the changes in hearts and homes as we watch and support teenagers (and adults) that have given up a week of their summer to help others. We are also a bit melancholy as we reflect over the 21 years and think about the people that have been part of FredCamp, the residents, volunteers, program leaders and youth. We have learned a lot, seen a lot of growth in the youth that have attended, helped a lot of people and have grown a lot individually and as an organization. So, it is with a mixture of pride and sadness that we are celebrating our 21st year, but also celebrating our last year. There has been a decline in referrals, attendance and volunteers in the last few years, and as the board ages and moves in different directions (literally and figuratively) we decided It was time to close the doors of FredCamp, knowing that God has new opportunities for each of us, and for other missions in the Fredericksburg area. If you have been touched by FredCamp in any way, we are thankful for your participation! We could not have lasted this long without the support of many people and organizations. We are thankful for people willing to open their hearts and homes to us and to trust teenagers to work on their homes. We are thankful to Fredericksburg Christian School and wonderful people there that have housed us and supported us from the beginning. We are thankful for the many adults that have donated their time and resources to support us as adult campers, gofers, handymen, trash guys, program leaders, the tool person, the front desk person, photographers, junior staffers, lunch and dinner angels, the board members, and lots of other folks too! We are especially thankful to the youth that have paid to come to work on homes of people that needed help. They gave up their time and shared their talents (and learned about new ones!). We are thankful to Jan Saylor for having the vision to start this camp in 1999. It has been a wonderful experience and a lot of work each year, but as each camp approaches we know that it is all worth it! We always have room for more volunteers, so give us a call (540-847-6480) or send an email ( if you would like to help one last time! Of course, donations are always welcome and can be sent to FredCamp, Inc., P.O. Box 7034, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. Camp this year is from June 30 – July 6. We will be celebrating our 21 years after the Talent Show on Thursday, July 4. The Talent Show will start at 7:00 pm, cake will be served following the show! The FredCamp Board
FredCamp held it’s last workcamp June 30-July 6, 2019. We are in the process of closing after 21 years of blessings
#fredcamp19 #fredcampfinale
FredCamp: 20 Years Strong